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グローバル人材開発 Global Human Resource Development

越境的市場展開 Cross-Border Market Expansion

組織変革の実現 Realising Organisational Transformation

私たちについて About Us 


We provide comprehensive support in organisational development, human resources development, and business development. In today’s uncertain environment, where traditional causation approaches are being replaced by AI, our starting point is to support the development of human resources. We begin by challenging what we take for granted.

お知らせ News
弊社代表 大木実 がインドの大学の名誉実務教授に就任

Minoru Ohki Appointed Professor of Practice (Honorary) at Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology


弊社代表 大木実 が2023年4月3日付けで、インド、パンジャブ州Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology (TIET) の名誉実務教授に就任いたしました。TIETは1956年設立のインドでトップクラスの私立大学(Deemed to be University)で、日本でも有名なインド工科大学23校のうち22校より長い歴史を有し、インド産業界に広範なネットワークを誇ります。







Our Representative Partner and CEO Minoru Ohki was appointed as a Professor of Practice (Honorary) at Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology (TIET) on the 3rd of April 2023.


Established in 1956, TIET stands as one of India's leading private universities (Deemed to be University), with a longer history than 22 out of 23 well-known Indian Institutes of Technology. It proudly boasts a wide-ranging network within the Indian industry.


Ohki facilitates collaborations between Japanese and Indian companies and universities and the institution, thereby providing a catalyst for innovation and contributing to the organisational development of Japanese and Indian companies and universities, as well as to the human resource development of company managers, university students, and faculty members.

© 2023 変容学習研究所合同会社 Transformative Learning Lab GK, Tokyo, Japan

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