変容学習研究所合同会社 Transformative Learning Lab GK
Services サービス
組織開発/人材開発 + 事業開発
-日本企業の海外進出にかかわるコンサルテーション (特にインドとバングラディシュ)、など
-Consultation on OD and HRD in the context of management strategy and HR strategy
-Planning and implementation of human resource development programmes, including global human resource development, new product development, negotiation, etc.
OD/HRD + Business Development
-Planning and implementation of social entreprenurship training abroad for Japanese (in collaboration with
local business schools and training institutions)
-Japan Immersion programmes for foreign government officials/university students, etc.
Business Development
-Support for foreign SMEs to enter the Japanese market
-Consultation related to overseas expansion, particularly into India and Bangladesh, etc.
プログラム例 Sample Programmes
すべての研修はオンディマンドです。お客様の状況に応じて、コンテンツ、実施方法 (対面・オンライン・ブレンド)、実施時期、などを協議の上決定いたします。
We provide tailored training programmes as per your specific needs and preferences. Working closely with you, we decide on the programme's content, delivery options (In-person/Online/Blended), timing, and more to ensure an optimal fit for your requirements.
ヒト・カネ・モノ・情報にかかわるどんな内容のプログラムでもデザイン・実施が可能です (戦略、財務会計、マーケティング、組織開発、人的資源開発、プロジェクトマネジメント、AI、 DXなど)。一般的な知識ではなく、貴社の現実を取り込んだ研修デザインをいたします。なんでもご照会ください。
We can design and implement any programme that involves people, money, goods, and information (Strategy, Finance・Accounting, Marketing, OD, HRD, PM, AI, DX, etc). We craft bespoke training solutions that seamlessly integrate with the intricacies of your company, prioritizing its unique dynamics over generic knowledge. Please contact us for more information.
プログラム例 Sample Programmes
Facilitator: Tetsushi Okumura
This programme is an integral version of the Executive Programme found in leading European and US business schools, such as Stanford and Kellogg. It has been developed using identical materials to those used in these top-tier institutions. Typically, participants are split into seller and buyer pairs and engage in negotiations without any prior knowledge about the other party. The negotiation process is subsequently evaluated and transformed into reproducible skills based on academic knowledge.
It is also available in Japanese. Professor Okumura is the only person in the world who can handle this Japanese version.
Both in-person and online options are available, and can be arranged for a duration of 1.5 to 2 days. Each negotiation takes up half a day and the programme encompasses three to four negotiation exercises. The pairs can be made up of individuals of the same language speaker, such as Japanese-Japanese or English-English. Furthermore, with the aid of AI technology, Japanese-English pairs can also be created.
We would recommend this programme to anyone involved in internal coordination, not only those in sales and purchasing departments.
Recommended number of participants: 20-30