変容学習研究所合同会社 Transformative Learning Lab GK
People ひと
大木 実
その後、テンプル大学ジャパンキャンパスに入社。企業内教育プログラムにてビジネスディベロップメントスーパーバイザーまたインバウンドラーニングヘッドとして18年勤務。150社以上の日系大手企業、外資系企業のグローバル人材育成・リーダーシップ開発に関わるコンサルテーション、研修デザインや外部講師の発掘、研修の実施を担当。また海外からの研修使節団 (政府高官が中心) も30ミッション以上獲得・担当。欧州から数々の多国籍代表団のワークショップをコーディネート・ファシリテ―ト。コロナ禍後は、多くのオンライン研修をデザイン・実施。2023年テンプル大学退職。変容学習研究所合同会社設立。
上智大学外国語学部比較文化学科卒業、KU Leuven(ベルギー 現Vlerick Business School) MBA優等修了、リンショーピン大学(スウェーデン)成人学習修士課程修了。その他、マニトバ大学(カナダ)、ロンドン大学教育研究所、ヴァ―へニンゲン大学(オランダ)等で、成人教育やオンライン教育、持続的ツーリズムを学ぶ。またカウンセリング、コーチング、演劇、障がい者とのインクルーシブ研修など多くのワークショップに個人として参加。文化庁平成30年度戦略的芸術文化推進事業アーツプロジェクトスクール@3331レクチャー卒業生。
タパー・インスティテュート・オブ・エンジニアリング & テクノロジー(インド)人文社会科学部
名誉実務教授 (2023-)。
Minoru Ohki
Transformative Learning Lab GK Representative Partner & CEO/Designer/Coordinator/Moderator
After graduating from college, Minoru worked for a telecommunications equipment manufacturer. Later, he ran his own business in the education sector before passing the US CPA exam. After working for a foreign accounting firm, he went to Europe to pursue an MBA.
Upon returning to Japan, he joined the Canning School (formerly Kenkyusha Canning School), a Japanese subsidiary of a British company specialising in communication and cross-cultural training. As the Marketing and Sales Manager for five years, he was involved in global human resources development and cross-cultural training, primarily for major Japanese financial institutions, securities companies, Japanese pharmaceutical companies, and European pharmaceutical/chemical companies.
He subsequently joined Temple University, Japan Campus. He has held the positions of Business Development Supervisor and Head of Inbound Learning for 18 years in the Corporate Education Program. His work involved providing consultation, training design, finding external trainers, and coordinating/facilitating training programs for global human resources and leadership development for more than 150 major Japanese and foreign companies. Furthermore, he took charge of over 30 training missions from overseas countries. These missions comprised mostly of senior government officials. In addition, he coordinated and facilitated many workshops for multinational delegations from Europe. After the break of Covid-19, he designed and implemented many online programmes. Upon leaving Temple University Japan Campus, he founded Transformative Learning Lab GK in 2023.
Minoru holds an MBA cum laude from KU Leuven in Belgium (now Vlerick Business School), an MA in Adult Learning from Linköping Universitet in Sweden, and a BS from Sophia University in Tokyo. He also holds various certifications, including a Certificate in Adult and Continuing Education from the University of Manitoba in Canada, a Certificate in Online Education and Training from the University of London's Institute of Education, and a Professional Certificate in Sustainable Tourism from Wageningen University and Research in the Netherlands.
In addition, he has attended numerous individual workshops on subjects such as counselling, coaching, drama, and inclusive training sessions with people with disabilities. He also completed the Arts Project School @ 3331, which is a part of the Strategic Arts and Culture Promotion Project of the Japanese Government's Agency for Cultural Affairs.
Professor of Practice (Honorary), School of Humanities & Social Sciences, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, India (2023-).